Q: You're a stand-up comedian by trade so tell us a little about yourself and your career.

A: I've been doing comedy for about 20 years now. I grew up in State College, Pennsylvania. I have my degree from Penn State University in Photography. I started doing comedy in 1981. I moved to the Baltimore/Washington area, then New Jersey and now Philadelphia. I perform all over the East Coast (Not Boston, ha ha). The only thing is people think they are going to see the same ruthless person they saw on the show. They are in for a bit of a disappointment. I'm actually a very nice person. And I have a very nice act. There is nothing in my act that can't be shown on Prime Time Television. The reason I was so brutal on the show was due to the fact that I couldn't remember a good reason "Why" I was voting a person off. Such as what question they got wrong and how they answered. So I fell back on using "Heckler Put-down" lines. It actually worked to my benefit and made my appearance more entertaining. What I didn't realize until I saw the show, was how my retorts set the tone for the rest of the team and show. I was amazed at William's comments. He was more ruthless than I was! LOL, William is actually a very nice guy!

Q: Now I'm sure I'm not the only person who wants to know this. What the hell was the comment you made that went something like 'Quick Pro Quo?'

A: You mean the "Quid Pro Quo" Line? That's Latin meaning "You give me something, I'll give you something". I used that line on Gordon. Gordon had voted for me in the first round. I didn't miss a single question in that round either. So in the second round I voted for him as weakest link. Gordon was a gentleman in the end.

Q: Finally, I hear NBC are having a bad losers special with contestants who didn't quite win the money. Have you been approached by anyone at the Network and would you be prepared to go back and get the last laugh?

A: Wow, I don't know who your sources are, but I hope you're right! No, I haven't heard anything, and I would hope that I would get a call for that show. I would be there in a heartbeat. I have a lot more "zingers" for Anne! Maybe more will end up on the "telly" rather than on the cutting room floor.

Thank You for taking the time to conduct this interview. If you want more information on Woogie, visit his Comedy Website.











Woogie's Finest Moments with Anne>>

The Remark about Dentistry

Anne asks Woogie to use English before Voting Off Gordon

It's time to Boogie Woogie!




Woogie Gets the Make-Up

The NBC Green Room

A Man Sells Tickets for the Show

Woogie Arrives!....... in a Clapped out Van

Other Contestants

Dinner At a Mexican Restaurant

Universal Studios


Woogie's Comedy Site