Weakest Interactive Records Highest Hits Ever>>

Since the partnership of TWLOnline and weakestlinki.com we have recorded our highest number of visitors a day. We now average 520 a day and on days during the past month we have exceeded this amount by recording up to 1200 hits per day! Thanks for visiting weakestlinki.com and we hope to continue providing an unbeaten Weakest Link experience.

Weakest Link Interactive: History

Set up on July 21st we wanted offer an alternative to other Weakest Link fansites by producing games and offering multimedia. After a pleasing start we decided to give it a facelift and add more videos. We now have over 80 downloadable Weakest Link videos, more than any other fansite which is mainly due to our dedicated visitors to the site. Thanks for your support and watch out for more surprises.

Click here for a preview >>











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